It's a touching part in a less than fabulous game.

The game has something new that you don't find in war games, before each mission you hear a letter written by Sheppard or his family if you die you get to hear his Death letter from his commanding officer, i must say that no other game that i can think of has ever done that before. The worst part of the game would be the AI, the AI is horrendous half the time they just run around like headless chickens, most of them can't hit a guy two meters from their feet let alone hitting a target at all. The game itself is your average ordinary FPS, the enemies are aplenty and your squad does little except act as a large target for the enemy, missions range from Search and Destroy missions in the Iron Triangle to fighting on the streets of Hue during the Tet offensive, unfortunately the missions are heavily scripted leaving you little freedom to roam about on the battlefield. Men of Valor has sort of movie like atmosphere the cut-scenes were well laid out and done, sometimes even touching it is clear that the developer took time doing these cut-scenes unfortunately i wish i could say the same about the game. Men of Valor puts you in the shoes of Marine Private First Class Dean Sheppard, you fight alongside a squad of Marines (the squad's AI is horrendous) in one of the most talked about and filmed about war in the 20th century a little place known as Vietnam.

Men of Valor was a great idea, unfortunately the developers rushed the game leaving behind a trail of bugs,glitches and a large angry fan base.